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Published Book Chapters: (1)


Rocha S. & Azevedo C. 2012: Light and electron microscopy applied to the characterization of marine species belonging to the genus Chloromyxum, as a study model for myxosporean parasites. In A. Méndez-Vilas (Ed.), Current microscopy contributions to advances in science and technology (5th edition, volume 1, pp. 471-477). Badajoz, Spain: Formatex Research Center. URL:


Published Papers: (3)


Eiras, J.C., Lu, Y.S., Gibson, D.I., Fiala, I., Saraiva, A., Cruz, C.F., & Santos M.J. 2012. Species of Chloromyxum Mingazinni, 1890 (Myxozoa: Myxosporea: Chloromyxidae). Systematic Parasitology. 83: 203-225. DOI 10.1007/s11230-012-9380-9.


Francisco, C., Hermida, M. & Santos, M.J. 2012. Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Digenea: Bucephalidae) miracidium morphology and its passive transmission pattern. Parasite. 19 (3): 277-280.


Rangel, L.F., Azevedo, C., Casal, G. & Santos, M.J. 2012. Ultrastructural aspects of Ellipsomyxa mugilis (Myxozoa: Ceratomyxidae) spores and development stages in Nereis diversicolor (Polychaeta: Nereidae). Journal of Parasitology. 98(3): 513-519


Presented Communications: (1)


Santos M.J. 2012. “Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) microparasites and its associated problems” presented at the round table entitled “Pathology and microparasitology of aquatic fauna” held in XVI Portuguese Conference of Parasitology, in Lisbon, in November 2012. Acta Parasitológica Portuguesa, 19 (1/2): 84-85.





Published Papers (4)


Azevedo, C., São Clemente, S.C., Casal, G., Matos, P., Oliveira, E., AL- Quaraishy, S. & Matos, E. 2013. Ultrastructure of the plasmodial development of Myxobolus insignis (Myxozoa), infecting the Amazonian Fish Semaprochilodus insignis (Prochilodontidae). Acta Protozool., 52: 91-97.


Castro, R. & Santos, M.J. (2013). Metazoan ectoparasites of Atlantic mackerel, Scomber scombrus (Teleostei: Scombridae): macro- and microhabitat distribution. Parasitology Research. 112: 3579-3586.


Cavaleiro, F., Ho, J-s., Iglesias, R., García-Estévez, J.M. & Santos, M.J. (2013). Revisiting the octopicolid copepods – Morphology and an updated key to species. Systematic Parasitology. 86: 77-86.


Rocha S., Casal G., Rangel L., Severino R., Castro R., Azevedo C. & Santos M. J. 2013. Ultrastructural and phylogenetic description of Zschokkella auratis sp. nov. (Myxozoa), a parasite of the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 107: 19-30.


Communications Presented:(4N 2I)


Azevedo C., Rocha S., Abel-Baki A. A., Al-Quraishy S., Casal G. “Preliminary study of a microsporidian infecting the teleost fish Cephalopholis hemistiktos from the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia”. “Microscopy in Research” da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia, realizado na Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Egas Moniz, Almada. Dezembro 2013. Poster.


Casal G., Rocha S., Costa G., Al-Quraishy S., Azevedo C. “Ultrastructural and molecular characterization of a microsporidian infecting Serranus atricauda (Teleostei, Serranidae) in the Madeira Archipelago”. “Microscopy in Research” da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia, realizado na Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Egas Moniz, Almada. Dezembro 2013. Poster


Rocha S., Casal G., Matos P., Matos E., Oliveira E., Azevedo C. “Descrição ultrastrutural de trombócitos do peixe teleósteo Lutjanus jocu (Teleostei, Lutjanidae), infetado por um parasita do género Henneguya (Myxosporea, Myxobolidae)”. XIV Congresso Técnico de Anatomia Patológica, realizado no Hotel Resort o Alambique de Ouro, Fundão, Portugal, em conjugação com o Centro Hospitalar da Cova da Beira e a Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde – Universidade da Beira Interior. Maio. 2013. Poster


Rocha S., Matos E., Velasco M., Casal G., Alves A., Azevedo C. “Ultrastructure and phylogeny of Thelohanellus sp. (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) infecting the gills of Hypophthalmus marginatus (Actinopterygii: Pimelodidae), a fish from the Amazon River”. Congresso “Microscopy in Research” da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microscopia, realizado na Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Egas Moniz, Almada. Dezembro 2013. Poster.


Santos M.J., Rangel L., Casal G., Severino R., Cech G., Szekely C., Rocha S., Castro R. & Azevedo C. 2013. Project IDASSMyx, Infection Dynamic of Aquaculture Seabass and Seabream by Myxozoa. 16th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish, Tampere, Finland. Abstract O-40: 51. Oral


Santos M.J. & Cavaleiro F.I. 2013. Comparison of Microparasites infection levels between wild and aquaculture seabass. 16th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish, Tampere, Finland. Abstract P – 257: 403. Poster




PhD (1)


Cavaleiro, F. 2013. Parasite fauna of Octopus vulgaris (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) and Platichthys flesus (Actinopterygii: Pleuronectidae): morphology, systematics, life history strategies and ecology. Tese de Doutoramento da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto. Orientadora: Profª Mª João Santos e Prof. Jo-shuei Ho


 BsC (2)


Silva, K. 2013. Endoparasites of aquaculture sea bass and sea bream. Tese de Licenciatura da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto. Orientadora: Profª Mª João Santos


 Dias, S. 2013 –Histology and histopathology of aquaculture sea bass and sea bream Tese de Licenciatura da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto. Orientadora: Profª Mª João Santos






Published Papers (7):


Azevedo C., Rocha S., Matos P., Matos E., Oliveira E., Al-Quarishy S. & Casal G. 2014a. The fine structure of Henneguya jocu n. sp. (Myxozoa, Myxobolidae), a parasite from the gill of the Amazonian fish Lutjanus jocu (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (Pimelodidae). European Journal of Protistology 50: 185-193.


Azevedo, C., Matos, P., Rocha, S., Matos, E., Oliveira, E., Al-Quraishy, S. and Casal, G. 2014b. Ultrastructure of novel thrombocytes in the dog snapper Lutjanus jocu. Journal of Fish Biology, 84: 865-871.


Cavaleiro, F. & Santos, M. J. (2014a). Numerical and functional responses to the presence of a competitor – the case of Aggregata sp. (Apicomplexa: Aggregatidae) and Octopicola superba (Copepoda: Octopicolidae). Parasitology. 141(2):216-26


Cavaleiro, F. & Santos, M. J. (2014b). Egg number–egg size: an important trade-off in parasite life history strategies. International Journal for Parasitology. 44: 173-182. URL: Este artigo especialmente comentado por Tommy Leung no site do “Parasite of the day” (


Rangel, L.F., Gibson, D.I., Santos, M. J. (2014a). Synopsis of the species of the genus Myxobilatus Davis, 1944 (Myxozoa: Myxosporea: Myxobilatidae. Systematic Parasitology. 87: 187-198.


Rangel, L.F., Rocha, S., Borkhanuddin, M. H., Cech, G., Castro, R., Casal, G., Azevedo, C., Severino, R., Székely, C., Santos M. J. (2014b). Ortholinea auratae n. sp. (Myxozoa, Ortholineidae) infecting the urinary bladder of the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata (Teleostei, Sparidae), in a Portuguese fish farm. Parasitology Research. 113 (9): 3427-3437.


Rocha S., Casal G., Velasco M., Alves A., Matos E., Al-Quraishy S. and Azevedo C. 2014a. Morphology and phylogeny of Thelohanellus marginatus n. sp. (Myxozoa: Myxosporea), a parasite infecting the gills of the fish Hypophthalmus marginatus (Teleostei: Pimelodidae) in the Amazon River. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 61: 586–593.


Rocha, S., Casal, G., Garcia, P., Matos, E., Al-Quraishy S. and Azevedo, C. (2014b) Ultrastructure and phylogeny of the parasite Henneguya carolina sp. nov. (Myxozoa), from the marine fish Trachinotus carolinus in Brazil. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 112: 139-148.


Rocha S., Casal G., Al-Quarishy S. and Azevedo C. 2014c. Morphological and ultrastructural redescription of Chloromyxum leydigi Mingazzini, 1890 (Myxozoa: Myxosporea), type species of the genus, infecting the gall bladder of the marine cartilaginous fish Torpedo marmorata Risso (Chondrichthyes: Torpedinidae), from the Portuguese Atlantic coast. Folia Parasitologica 61: 1-10.


Communications Presented (8 I)


 Cavaleiro, F., Santos, M. J. 2014. The octopicolid copepods: a state of the art on the typical parasites of octopus. Mares Conference, Olhão, Portugal. Abstract 111.


Castro, R., Rocha, S., Rangel, L., Cavaleiro, F., Casal, G., Severino, R., Santos, M. J. 2014. Myxosporidean infections in wild and cultured European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) from Portugal: host-parasite relationships. Mares Conference, Olhão, Portugal. Abstract 110.


Rocha, S., Casal, G., Rangel, L. F., Severino, R., Castro, R., Santos, M. J. and Azevedo, C. 2014. Ultrastructure and phylogeny of Ceratomyxa sp. (Myxosporea), a parasite infecting Sparus aurata (Teleostei) in a Portuguese fish farm. INCOMAM’14. Abstract 42-43. Oral


Rangel, L. Rocha, S., Castro, R., Severino, R., Casal, G., Santos, M. J. (2014). A New Type of Echinactinomyxon (Myxozoa), infecting a marine Polychaete, Heteromastus filiformis (Polychaeta: Capitellidae) In the Alvor Estuary (Portugal). INCOMAM’14. Abstract: 86-87. Poster


Rangel, L. F., Castro, R., Severino, R., Rocha, S., Casal, G., Santos, M. J. 2014. The diversity of actinospores from annelids in a Portuguese estuary and fish farm. Mares Conference, Olhão, Portugal. Abstract 124.


Rocha, S., Rangel, L., Castro, R., Casal, G., Severino, R., Azevedo, C., Santos, M. J. 2014. Morphology and phylogeny of a myxosporean (Myxozoa) parasite infecting Tubificoides cf. galiciensis (Annelida) in a Southern Portugal. Mares Conference, Olhão, Portugal. Abstract 127.


Rocha, S., Rangel, L., Castro, R., Casal, G., Severino, R., Azevedo, C., Santos, M. J. 2014. Biodiversity of myxozoan parasites infecting aquaculture seabream and seabass. Mares Conference, Olhão, Portugal. Abstract 126.


 Rocha, S., Azevedo, C., Rodrigues, P., Araújo, M.J. and Casal G. (2014) Morphology and phylogeny of Glugea atherinae (Microsporidia) infecting the big-scale sand smelt Atherina boyeri (Actinopterygii) in the Minho River, Portugal. XVII Congresso Português de Parasitologia, Lisboa, 20 – 21 novembro. (Poster)


Rocha, S., Casal, G., Videira, M., Oliveira, E., Matos, E., Al-Quraishy, S. and Azevedo C. (2014) Ultrastructural aspects of a Myxidium sp. (Myxosporea) infecting the gall bladder of the violet goby Gobioides broussonnetii (Teleostei) in the Amazon River. XVII Congresso Português de Parasitologia, Lisboa, 20 – 21 novembro. (Poster)


Santos, M. J., Cavaleiro, F., Silva, K., Pina, S., Castro, R., Rangel, L., Severino, R., Rodrigues, P. 2014. Alternative life cycle strategy for Timoniella spp. in aquaculture environment conditions. Mares Conference, Olhão, Portugal. Abstract 129.






Papers Published: (5)


Frade, D., Santos, M. J. Cavaleiro, F. 2015. The reproductive effort of Lepeophtheirus pectoralis (Copepoda: Caligidae): insights into the egg production strategy of parasitic copepods. Parasitology (in press)


Rangel, L. Rocha, S., Castro, R., Severino, R., Casal, G., Santos, M. J. (2015). A New Type of Echinactinomyxon (Myxozoa), infecting a marine Polychaete, Heteromastus filiformis (Polychaeta: Capitellidae) In the Alvor Estuary (Portugal). Microscopy and Microanalysis 21(Suppl 5): 85-86.


Rocha, S., Casal, G., Rangel, L.F., Severino, R., Castro, R., Santos M. J., Azevedo, C. 2015a. Ultrastructure and phylogeny of Ceratomyxa sp. (Myxosporea), a parasite infecting Sparus aurata (Teleostei) in a Portuguese fish farm. Microscopy and Microanalysis 21(Suppl 5): 89-90. doi: 10.1017/S1431927615014257 URL: /action/display Abstract?fromPage=online&aid=9888144&fulltextType=RA&fileId=S1431927615014257


Rocha, S., Casal, G., Rangel, L.F., Castro, R., Severino, R., Azevedo, C., Santos M. J. (2015b). Ultrastructure and phylogeny of Ceratomyxa auratae n. sp. (Myxosporea: Ceratomyxidae), a parasite infecting the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata (Teleostei: Sparidae). Parasitology International. 64 (2015) 305–313.


Rangel, L. Rocha, S., Castro, R., Severino, R., Casal, G., Azevedo, C., Cavaleiro, F., Santos, M. J. (2015). The life cycle of Ortholinea auratae (Myxozoa: Ortholineidae) involves an actinospore of the triactinomyxon morphotype infecting a marine oligochaete Parasitology Research. 114 (7):2671-2678.


Communications presented: (11 I)


Castro, R. Cavaleiro, F., Rangel, L., Rocha, S., Severino, R., Casal, G., Santos, M. J. 2015. Zschokkella auratis (Myxozoa) infecting the gallbladder of the gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata (Sparidae): parasite-host-environment relationships. 9th International Symposium of Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain. Abstract P-029: 113.


Cavaleiro, F., Castro, R., Rangel, L., Rocha, S., Casal, G., Azevedo, C., Santos, M. J. 2015. Does the spacial distribution of Sphaerospora dicentrarchi (Myxozoa: Sphaerosporidae) varies according to host’s age? 9th International Symposium of Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain. Abstract P-036: 116.


Frade, D., Santos, M. J., Cavaleiro, F. 2015. Seasonality in reprodutive effort of Lepeophtheirus pectoralis (Copepoda: Caligidae). 9th International Symposium of Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain. Abstract P-184: 190.


Falcão, A. Cavaleiro, F., Santos, M., Santos, M. J. 2015. The potential infection of Elasmobranchs with Nybelinia sp. using its intermediate host, Octopus vulgaris Cuvier 1797 (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae). 9th International Symposium of Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain. Abstract P-157: 177.


Nogueira, S., Santos, M. J., Cavaleiro, F. 2015. The reprodutive strategy of Acanthocondria cornuta (Copepoda: Chondracanthidae). 9th International Symposium of Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain. Abstract P-101: 149.


Rangel, L., Castro, R., Cavaleiro, F., Santos, M. J. 2015. A survey of actinospores from annelids in a Portuese estuary. 9th International Symposium of Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain. Abstract P-099: 148.


Rangel, L., Castro, R., Severino, R. Rocha, S., Casal, G., Azevedo, C. Cavaleiro, F., Santos, M. J. 2015. A survey of actinospores from annelids in a Portuguese fish farm. 9th International Symposium of Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain. Abstract P-028: 112.


Rocha, S., Rangel, L. F., Castro, R., Casal, G., Severino, R., Cavaleiro, F., Azevedo, C., Santos, M. J. 2015. Biodiversity of Myxozoa infecting seabream and European seabass reared in a Portuguese aquacultute facility. 9th International Symposium of Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain. Abstract O-104: 71.Oral


Rodrigues, A., Cavaleiro, F., Narvaez, P., Furtado, M., Soares, M.C., Santos, M. J. 2015. Prevalence and intensity of Caligus elongatus (Copepoda: Caligidae) infecting Mullus surmuletus (Actinopterygii: Mullidae) off Azores Arquipelago, Portugal. 9th International Symposium of Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain. Abstract P-185: 191. Poster


Santos, M.J., Silva, A., Castro, R., Cavaleiro, F., Rangel, L., Palm, H. W. 2015. The risk of human infection with Anisakis spp., while consuming Atlantic mackerels (Scomber colias and S. scombrus) caught off Portugal. 9th International Symposium of Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain. Abstract O-060: 49.Oral


Santos, M. J., Rocha, S., Rangel, L., Castro, R., Casal, G., Cavaleiro, F., Azevedo, C. 2015. Occurrence of Globospora sp. in European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax L. reared in a Portuguese fish farm. 9th International Symposium of Fish Parasites, Valencia, Spain. Abstract P-098: 147.





Papers Published: (8)

Rocha, S., Rangel, L. F. Castro R., Severino, R. Azevedo, C., Santos, M. J., Casal, G. 2016. Ultrastructure and phylogeny of Ceratomyxa diplodae Lubat et al. 1989 sensu Sitjà-Bobadilla & Álvarez-Pellitero, 1993 (Myxosporea: Ceratomyxidae), from the gall bladder of the European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax (Teleostei: Moronidae). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 121: 117-128. DOI: 10.3354/dao03049.

Garbouj, M., Rangel, L., Castro, R., Hmissi, J., Santos, M. J., Bahri, S. 2016. Morphological description and phylogeny of Ceratomyxa scorpaeni n. sp. (Myxosporea: Ceratomyxidae) infecting the gallbladder of Scorpaena porcus (L.) (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) from the Bay of Bizerte in Tunisia. Parasitology Research 115(12): 4495-4502. DOI: 10.1007/s00436-016-5236-6.

Frade, D., Nogueira, S., Santos, M. J., Cavaleiro, F. 2016. The challenges of asymmetric mating - The influence of male and female size on the reproductive output of Acanthochondria cornuta (Chondracanthidae). Parasitology 143(14): 1945-1953.


Azizi, R. Rangel, L., Castro, R., Santos, M. J., Bahri, S. 2016. Morphology, seasonality and phylogeny of Zschokkella trachini n. sp. (Myxozoa, Myxosporea) infecting the gallbladder of Greater Weever Trachinus draco (L.) from Tunisian waters. Parasitology Research (in press). DOI: 10.1007/s00436-016-5187-y.


Rangel, L., Rocha, S., Casal, G., Castro, R., Severino, R., Azevedo, C. Cavaleiro, F., Santos, M. J. 2016. Life cycle inference and phylogeny of Ortholinea labracis n. sp. (Myxosporea: Ortholineidae), a parasite of the European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax (Teleostei: Moronidae), in a Portuguese fish farm. Journal of Fish Diseases 40(2): 243–262. DOI: 10.1111/jfd.12508.


Rangel, L., Castro, R., Rocha, S., Severino, R., Casal, G., Azevedo, C., C., Cavaleiro, F., Santos, M. J. 2016. Tetractinomyxon stages genetically consistent with Sphaerospora dicentrarchi (Myxozoa: Sphaerosporidae) found in Capitella sp. (Polychaeta: Capitellidae) suggest potential role of marine polychaetes in parasite's life cycle. Parasitology. 143: 1067–1073. DOI: 10.1017 /S0031182016000512.


Rangel, L., Castro, R., Rocha, S., Cech, G., Casal, G., Azevedo, C., Szekely, C., Cavaleiro, F., Santos, M. J. 2016. Description of new types of sphaeractinomyxon actinospores (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) from marine tubificid oligochaetes, with a discussion on the validity of the tetraspora and the endocapsa as actinospore collective group names. Parasitology Research.115(6): 2341-2351. DOI: 10.1007/s00436-016-4983-8.


Frade, D. G., Santos, M. J., Cavaleiro, F. I. 2016. The reproductive effort of Lepeophtheirus pectoralis (Copepoda: Caligidae): insights into the egg production strategy of parasitic copepods. Parasitology. 143(1): 87-96. DOI: S0031182015001493. URL: fromPage=online&aid=10073431&fulltextType= RA&fileId=S0031182015001493.




PhD (1)


Rangel L.F. 2016. Myxozoan parasites ofaquaculture  fish and annelids. Faculty of Sciences. Porto University. Felowship FCT: SFRH/BD/82237/2011.  Supervisor: M.J. Santos





Rocha, S., Rangel, L. F. Castro R., Severino, R. Azevedo, C., Santos, M. J., Casal, G. 2016. Ultrastructure and phylogeny of Ceratomyxa diplodae Lubat et al. 1989 sensu Sitjà-Bobadilla & Álvarez-Pellitero, 1993 (Myxosporea: Ceratomyxidae), from the gall bladder of the European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax (Teleostei: Moronidae). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 121: 117-128.




Abstract: The myxosporean parasite Ceratomyxa diplodae Lubat et al. 1989 sensu Sitjà-Bobadilla & Álvarez-Pellitero, 1993, originally described from the annular seabream Diplodus annularis in the Adriatic Sea, has subsequently been reported from several other sparid hosts, and also a moronid fish, the European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax from the Mediterranean Sea. Here, molecular identity and additional morphological data are given for this parasite infecting the gall bladder of D. labrax in a southern Portuguese fish farm. In the bile, disporic plasmodia were spherical to subspherical with a smooth surface membrane. Most myxospores were crescent-shaped, 5.1 ± 0.5 (4.8-6.7) µm long (mean ± SD) and 21.9 ± 1.0 (20.4-23.9) µm thick; a few were more arcuate, 5.7 ± 0.4 (5.3-6.3) µm long and 17.3 ± 1.0 (16.3-19.1) µm thick. The wall consisted of 2 symmetrical valves united along a slightly curved suture line, with moderately tapering to rounded ends. Two spherical polar capsules, measuring 2.9 ± 0.3 (2.5-3.4) µm in diameter, contained a polar filament forming 8 to 9 coils organized in 2 rows. Host species, tissue tropism, and myxospore morphology supported species identification. Phylogenetic analyses of the small subunit ribosomal RNA sequence positioned the parasite among most sparid-infecting Ceratomyxa spp., suggesting the existence of a common ancestor for these species. The acquisition of molecular data from infections of C. diplodae in its original host and in other sparids is essential in order to ascertain if the morphological and biological variations found among reports of this parasite are intra- or inter-specific.


Rangel, L., Rocha, S., Casal, G., Castro, R., Severino, R., Azevedo, C. Cavaleiro, F., Santos, M. J. 2016. Life cycle inference and phylogeny of Ortholinea labracis n. sp. (Myxosporea: Ortholineidae), a parasite of the European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax (Teleostei: Moronidae), in a Portuguese fish farm. Journal of Fish Diseases 40(2): 243–262.


DOI: 10.1111/jfd.12508.


Abstract: Ortholinea labracis n. sp. is described and its life cycle is inferred from a Southern Portuguese fish farm, with basis on microscopic and molecular procedures. This myxosporean parasite infects the urinary bladder of the European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax and the intestinal epithelium of a marine oligochaete of the genus Tectidrilus. Myxospores subspherical in valvular view and ellipsoidal in sutural view measuring 7.6 ± 0.3 (6.8–8.7) μm in length, 7.2 ± 0.2 (6.7–7.7) μm in width and 6.5 ± 0.4 (5.8–7.7) μm in thickness. Two polar capsules, 3.0 ± 0.2 (2.6–3.4) μm long and 2.4 ± 0.1 (2.0–2.9) μm wide, located at the same level, but with divergent orientation and opening to opposite sides of the suture line. Sequencing of the SSU rRNA gene revealed a similarity of 100% between the analysed myxospores and triactinomyxon actinospores. The phylogenetic setting of O. labracis n. sp. shows subgrouping in correlation with tissue tropism, but identifies this parasite as another exception to the main division of Myxosporea into the main freshwater and marine lineages.


Rangel, L., Castro, R., Rocha, S., Severino, R., Casal, G., Azevedo, C., C., Cavaleiro, F., Santos, M. J. 2016. Tetractinomyxon stages genetically consistent with Sphaerospora dicentrarchi (Myxozoa: Sphaerosporidae) found in Capitella sp. (Polychaeta: Capitellidae) suggest potential role of marine polychaetes in parasite's life cycle. Parasitology. 143: 1067–1073.


DOI: 10.1017 /S0031182016000512.


Abstract: Known life cycles of myxosporean parasites have two hosts, but very few life cycles have been disclosed, especially in the marine environment. Sphaerospora dicentrarchi Sitjà-Bobadilla and Álvarez-Pellitero, 1992 is a systemic parasite from the European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758), a highly valuable commercial fish. It affects its health, leading to aquaculture production losses. During 2013 and 2014, an actinospore survey was conducted in a total of 5942 annelids collected from a fish farm in Algarve and from the Aveiro Estuary, in Portugal. A new tetractinomyxon actinospore was found in a capitellid polychaete, belonging to the genera Capitella collected at the fish farm. The tetractinomyxons were pyriform measuring 11·1 ± 0·7 µm in length and 7·2 ± 0·4 µm in width, and presented three rounded polar capsules measuring 2·4 ± 0·3 µm in diameter. The molecular analysis of the 18S rRNA gene sequences from the tetractinomyxons revealed a similarity of 100% with the DNA sequences deposited in the GenBank from S. dicentrarchi myxospores collected from the European seabass and the spotted seabass in the same fish farm and 99·9% similarity with the DNA sequence obtained from the myxospores found infecting the European seabass in the Aveiro Estuary. Therefore, the new tetractinomyxons are inferred to represent the actinospore phase of the S. dicentrarchi life cycle.


Rangel, L., Castro, R., Rocha, S., Cech, G., Casal, G., Azevedo, C., Szekely, C., Cavaleiro, F., Santos, M. J. 2016. Description of new types of sphaeractinomyxon actinospores (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) from marine tubificid oligochaetes, with a discussion on the validity of the tetraspora and the endocapsa as actinospore collective group names. Parasitology Research 115(6): 2341-2351.

DOI: 10.1007/s00436-016-4983-8


Abstract: Ten new types of sphaeractinomyxon actinospores are morphologically and molecularly described from the coelomic cavity of two marine oligochaete hosts, Limnodriloides agnes (Hrabě, 1967) and Tubificoides pseudogaster (Dahl, 1960), from Aveiro estuary, Portugal. The smallest sphaeractinomyxon type measured 17 μm (length) × 19 μm (width) × 19 μm (apical diameter), whereas the largest type measured 61 μm × 76 μm × 80 μm. While considering the 10 types of sphaeractinomyxon, it was found that the number of spores developing inside pansporocysts varied between 1, 2, 4, and 8. The total prevalence of infection was of 19 % for the two host species, with a maximum recorded for spring and summer (25–26 %). While considering each type of sphaeractinomyxon individually, it was found that the prevalence values ranged between 0.3 and 1.7 %. All described sphaeractinomyxons were most similar to Myxobolus species. The validity of the tetraspora and endocapsa collective group names is discussed.




Rangel, L. Rocha, S., Castro, R., Severino, R., Casal, G., Azevedo, C., Cavaleiro, F., Santos, M. J. (2015). The life cycle of Ortholinea auratae (Myxozoa: Ortholineidae) involves an actinospore of the triactinomyxon morphotype infecting a marine oligochaete. Parasitology Research 114 (7):2671-2678.


DOI: 10.1007/s00436-015-4472-5.


URL: 10.1007%2Fs00436-015-4472-5


Abstract: Actinospores released from the marine oligochaete Limnodriloides agnes inhabiting a Southern Portuguese fish farm are molecularly recognized as developmental stages of the life cycle of Ortholinea auratae, a myxosporean parasite that infects the urinary bladder of Sparus aurata. The molecular analysis of the 18S rRNA gene reveals a similarity of 99.9 to 100 % of the actinospores analyzed to the myxospores of O. auratae. The actinospores belong to the triactinomyxon morphotype and occur in groups of eight within pansporocysts that develop in the intestinal epithelium of the oligochaete host. This is the first record of a myxosporean using an oligochaete as its invertebrate host in the marine environment.




Rocha, S., Casal, G., Rangel, L.F., Castro, R., Severino, R., Azevedo, C., Santos M. J. (2015). Ultrastructure and phylogeny of Ceratomyxa auratae n. sp. (Myxosporea: Ceratomyxidae), a parasite infecting the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata (Teleostei: Sparidae). Parasitology International. 64(5):305-313.


DOI: 10.1016/j.parint.2015.04.002.





Abstract: A new myxosporean parasite is described from the gall bladder of the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata in a Southern Portuguese fish farm,with basis on light and transmission electron microscopy, aswell as in molecular procedures. In the bile, young and mature mono- to disporic plasmodia were elliptical and presented smooth surface membranes. Crescent-shaped myxospores measured 6.7 ± 0.7 (5.3–7.6) μm in length and 27.0 ± 3.0 (19.7–31.2) μm in thickness. The myxospore wall was constituted by two symmetrical valves united along a slightly curved suture line, each presenting a lateral projection with a rounded end. Two equal-sized subspherical polar capsules, measuring 3.6 ± 0.2 (2.9–3.8) μm in length and 3.5 ± 0.3 (2.9–3.8) μm in width, were located at the same level, each displaying a polar filament coiled in 5 turns. Molecular analysis of the SSU rRNA gene confirmed the parasite as a new member of the genus Ceratomyxa, making this the fourth report of Ceratomyxa from the gall bladder of S. aurata in the Iberian Peninsula. This reinforces the assumption that species richness of ceratomyxids in South European sparids is high, but the phylogenetic analysis performed disagrees with the existence of a common ancestor for Ceratomyxa species infecting sparid hosts, aswell as their clustering according to geographical location. The main Ceratomyxa clade is not monophyletic due to the inclusion of Palliatus indecorus and Pseudoalatospora kovalevae; a situation that will probably be resolved by the taxonomic revision of these genera.




Rangel, L.F., Gibson, D.I., Santos, M. J. (2014). Synopsis of the species of the genus Myxobilatus Davis, 1944 (Myxozoa: Myxosporea: Myxobilatidae. Systematic Parasitology. 87(2): 187-198.


DOI 10.1007/s11230-013-9467-y.




Abstract: A synopsis of the species of Myxobilatus Davis, 1944 (Myxozoa: Myxosporea: Myxobilatidae) is presented. Thirty-nine nominal species are included. The major characteristics and an illustration are given for each species based on the original records.





Rangel, L.F., Rocha, S., Borkhanuddin, M. H., Cech, G., Castro, R., Casal, G., Azevedo, C., Severino, R., Székely, C., Santos M. J. (2014). Ortholinea auratae n. sp. (Myxozoa, Ortholineidae) infecting the urinary bladder of the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata (Teleostei, Sparidae), in a Portuguese fish farm. Parasitology Research, 113 (9): 3427-3437.


DOI: 10.1007/s00436-014-4008-4.


URL: 10.1007%2Fs0043 6-014-4008-4


Abstract: A new myxosporean species, Ortholinea auratae n. sp., is described from the gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758 (Teleostei, Sparidae) from a fish farm in Algarve, Portugal. Plasmodia and spores were found in the urinary bladder and, less frequently, in the posterior kidney. Plasmodia were polymorphic, presenting an irregular cellular membrane due to the presence of several peripheral projections, which in turn were covered by a glycocalyx-like sheet. Mature spores were subspherical in valvular view and ellipsoidal in sutural view, measuring 9.0±0.3 (8.2–10.1) μm in length, 8.3±0.4 (7.5–9.1) μm in width, and 7.2±0.5 (6.3–8.4) μm in thickness. The two valves comprising the spores displayed an intricate pattern of surface ridges and were also enveloped by a glycocalyx-like sheet. Two subspherical polar capsules, 3.2±0.1 (2.9–3.6) μm long and 2.7±0.1 (2.4–2.9) μm wide, were located at the anterior pole and displayed divergent orientation. The polar filament coiled in three to four turns. The comprehensive analysis of the parasite’s ultrastructural observations and molecular data for the small subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene identify O. auratae n. sp. as a new species, clustering together with other myxosporeans infecting the excretory system to form a subclade of the main freshwater clade.




Rocha, S., Casal, G., Rangel, L., Severino, R., Castro, R., Azevedo, C. & Santos, M. J. (2013) Ultrastructural and phylogenetic description of Zschokkella auratis sp. nov. (Myxozoa), a parasite of the gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata, in a Portuguese fish farm. Disease of Aquatic Organisms 107: 19–30.


DOI: 10.3354/dao02661.




Abstract: A new myxosporean, Zschokkella auratis sp. nov., infecting the gall bladder of the gilthead seabream Sparus aurata in a southern Portuguese fish farm, is described using microscopic and molecular procedures. Plasmodia and mature spores were observed floating free in the bile. Plasmodia, containing immature and mature spores, were characterized by the formation of branched glycostyles, apparently due to the release of segregated material contained within numerous cytoplasmic vesicles. Mature spores were ellipsoidal in sutural view and slightly semicircular in valvular view, with rounded ends, measuring 9.5 ± 0.3 SD (8.7−10.3) μm in length and 7.1 ± 0.4 (6.5−8.0) μm in width/thickness. The spore wall was composed of 2 symmetrical valves united along a slightly curved suture line, each displaying 10 to 11 elevated surface ridges. Two equal subspherical polar capsules, 3.7 ± 0.3 (3.0−4.1) μm long and 3.0 ± 0.2 (2.6−3.2) μm wide, were located separately at the spore’s extremities. Each polar capsule contained a polar filament forming 4 to 5 coils. The sporoplasm was binucleate and contained numerous sporoplasmosomes. Morphological data, tissue tropism, and molecular analysis of the small subunit rDNA gene identified this parasite as a new species of Zschokkella. Maximum parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum likelihood inferences clustered the parasite in a subclade containing other Zschokkella species parasitizing the gall bladder of brackish and marine fish hosts, located within the coelozoic clade of the major freshwater clade; this supports the existence of a marine subclade within the ‘freshwater’ clade, as well as the existence of a correlation between tissue tropism and myxosporean phylogeny.




Rangel, L.F., Azevedo, C., Casal, G. & Santos, M. J. (2012). Ultrastructural aspects of Ellipsomyxa mugilis (Myxozoa: Ceratomyxidae) spores and development stages in Nereis diversicolor (Polychaeta: Nereidae). Journal of Parasitology. 98(3): 513-519.







Abstract: The ultrastructure of the spores and developmental stages of Ellipsomyxa mugilis in Nereis diversicolor were studied by transmission electron microscopy. The ultrastructure features and the developmental stages show many similarities with the general pattern described for other actinospores. However, several new features are definitely worth noting. For example, tetranucleated cells precede the formation of the initial pansporocyst, which preserves the 2 original enveloping cells until the end of sporogony. In the initial stages of sporogony, the future sporoplasm cell acquires the first secondary cell by an engulfment process. In the final stage of sporogony, spores are formed by a sporoplasm with 2 secondary cells and 1 somatic nucleus, and the polar capsule has a polar filament with a helicoidal arrangement possessing 7–8 coils.







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